Many of us are told to alter our lifetime habits to achieve a healthy body. For some this is an easy task. For others it is difficult to change unhealthy diet and exercise patterns.
Instead of undertaking a massive makeover, let’s try these small steps. Once you start on the path of making changes, it may become easier. Here are 5 things you can do that are taken from the Harvard Newsletter.
1. Make breakfast count. Start the day with some fruit and a serving of whole grains like oatmeal, bran flakes or whole wheat toast.
2. Eat an extra fruit or vegetable every day. They are inexpensive, taste good and are good for everything from your brain to your bowels.
3. Stop drinking your calories. Cutting just one sugared soda or calorie laden specialty coffee can easily save you 100 or more calories a day. Over a year that can translate into a 10 pound weight loss.
4. Have some nuts. Walnuts, almonds, peanuts and other nuts are good for you. Grab these instead of chips or cookies as a snack. Add nuts to salads. Use them in place of pasta on some dishes. Enjoy tis healthy crunch.
5. Sample the fruits of the sea. Eat fish or other types of seafood instead of red meat once a week. It’s good for your heart, brain and waistline.